[#13] Reticula: A temporal network and hypergraph analysis software package
Reticula is a very cool name, isn’t it? But what is it about? Well, Reticula is a C++ library and Python package that collects tools for working with real-world and synthetic, static and temporal, networks and hypergraphs. Check out the slides. Amazing!
In the second part of the talk, Arash shared his adventure as a network scientist in softwareland and addressed the difficulties he found in publishing a software. For those working in complex systems, coding is everyday life as we create all sorts of code for our research.
So why not share it? This is a good thing to do for the community and also for your personal CV, says Arash. You don’t really need to create an entire software to make a difference! You can contribute for the amount of time you like, with the energy you can spend on it.