[#36] Investigating shocking events through temporal multilayer graph structure & How can we find new positions in academia?
In this talk, we will discuss the importance of multi-layer, temporal analysis of web-derived data. Indeed, in analysing important events, several open research questions are difficult to address as they require methodologies for the analysis that tackle the data’s high temporal resolution, heterogeneity and scale. These issues are especially evident when analyzing cryptocurrencies, that have gained attention for their substantial monetary value, although they are plagued by issues such as high volatility in value and susceptibility to sudden crashes. In this talk we will see the importance of multi-layer, temporal analysis of web-derived data. We will also demonstrate how graph-based techniques can enhance traditional analyses, with results that could aid regulatory agencies in safeguarding users and companies.
I will start with my personal experience and some tips for early career researchers, to get the talk started. I would like for people to share how they found their current position and if postdocs are around to discuss how they found their spots.

His research focused on using temporal multilayer graphs to analyze cryptocurrency systems. He showed how graph-based techniques can enhance traditional analyses and aid regulatory agencies in safeguarding users and companies.

Recently, Chaeick transitioned from a PhD to a PostDoc. Drawing from his experience, he shared tips on finding a position: attend conferences, especially local ones for a relaxed atmosphere, and value visiting periods.

Finding the right timing to job hunt is crucial. Not too early (you still have a thesis to write) and not too late (you might miss opportunities). What’s your experience? Share it with the community to help others ease their transition.