Past seminars
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[#19] Leveraging bibliometric data to understand academic impact
Hey NetPals, did you miss the netPLACE seminar with Giacomo Livan from UCL? He presented an intriguing talk titled ‘Leveraging bibliometric data to understand academic impact’, exploring what factors may boost and enhance the early stages of an academic career.
Giacomo Livan
May 4, 2023
Talk recording
[#18] Opening up echo chambers via optimal content recommendation
Hey NetPals, did you miss the last netPLACE talk of April? Antoine Vendeville from University College London gave a talk titled ‘Opening up echo chambers via optimal content recommendation’, emphasising that the existence of echo chambers in social networks is a problem of primary relevance.
Antoine Vendeville
Apr 20, 2023
Talk recording
[#17] Temporal graph motifs and how to find them: or how I inadvertently got into big data engineering
Hey NetPeople! On Thursday, April 6th, we had Naomi Arnold from Northeastern University in London as our speaker. She gave a refreshing talk titled ‘Temporal Graph Motifs and How to Find Them: Or How I Inadvertently Got into Big Data Engineering’
Naomi Arnold
Apr 6, 2023
Talk recording
[#16] The growth of a nation-spanning family
Hey NetPeople! Did you miss last Thursday’s talk? Lasse Mohr from the Technical University of Denmark (Lyngby, Denmark) was our speaker, with his captivating talk, titled ‘The Growth of a Nation-Spanning Family’
Lasse Mohr
Mar 23, 2023
Talk recording
[#15] Optimal transport in networks for design and flux optimization
Hi netFollower! Two weeks ago we had an amazing talk from Alessandro Lonardi (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems) about optimal transport in networks for design and flux optimization, giving examples of energy optimising systems in both natural and human realms.
Alessandro Lonardi
Mar 9, 2023
Talk recording
[#14] Message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
Hi NetFollowers, last week we had Hanlin Sun from Queen Mary University of London as our speaker, talking about a theoretical approach with both percolation and message-passing techniques used for mitigating an epidemic wave.
Hanlin Sun
Feb 23, 2023
Talk recording
[#13] Reticula: A temporal network and hypergraph analysis software package
Hey NetPeople! Do you remember Arash Badie-Modiri? Two weeks ago Arash, from Aalto University. gave an amazing talk with the title ‘Reticula: A temporal network and hypergraph analysis software package’.
Arash Badie-Modiri
Feb 9, 2023
Talk recording
[#12] Weighted simplicial complexes and their representation power of higher-order network data and topology
Hey NetFOLLOWERS! What a talk from Federica Baccini! Federica, from the University of Pisa (Italy), was our previous speaker on the topic of weighted simplicial complexes and their representation power of higher-order network data and topology.
Federica Baccini
Jan 26, 2023
Talk recording
[#11] Investigating through mathematical model the evolutionary path on ecDNA
Hey NetFOLLOWERS! Did you enjoy the holidays? Our last speaker before the break was Elisa Scanu from Queen Mary University of London, who gave a talk on “Investigating through mathematical model the evolutionary path on ecDNA'
Elisa Scanu
Dec 15, 2022
Talk recording
[#10] Statistical Inference, Learning and Optimization for Dynamics on Networks
Hello NetFOLLOWERS! Last Thursday Dr. Mateusz Wilinski from Los Alamos National Laboratory introduced us the powerful dynamic message-passing (DMP) algorithm, that makes possible to complete inference task on large networks and can be used on optimisation problems as well.
Mateusz Wilinski
Dec 1, 2022
Talk recording